Vagina Portrait

Learn about Vagina Portraits "Pussy Portals"

May 29, 2020

Do you know how beautiful you are? 
I think not, my dear.

Yet I see parades with wildly colorful bands 
Streaming from your mind and heart.

Speak to me of your pretty wings 
And awaken to your lovely Self. 
Awaken your legion of eagles 
Let them soar wild and free in the sky.

My love, please know how beautiful you are
For man could set you upon a stage

And worship you forever.

~Adapted from Hafiz

When I first had the idea to make a painting of a vagina with a woman’s eye inside, I though,  WTF?!  It exhilarated me yet scared me at the same time.  I knew the idea came from a pure place deep inside, where I don’t care what anyone thinks of me, and I only care about following that Voice.  And I’m dedicated to only painting from this place of God, or whatever word you want to use to denote the All, but how far would Spirit push me? 

All the way.  Completely over the edge of comfort.  That’s where.  Over the edge of the crumbling foundation that once held me captive and into a place of stunning freedom. Now, I will do anything my heart directs with never an apology. That’s a long way from the obedient mouse I once was.

 So why vaginas?

A powerful woman is one who can embrace the full power of her body especially her vagina.

I have learned that this is the most intimate and powerful of all portals. It’s beautiful, even sacred, but we are taught something else, unless we are among the lucky few in childhood who are given a healthy view of sexuality and the female body.  Most are not.   

How often they shroud her in guilt and giggles, shame and restrictions, all resulting in a distorted view of your femininity.  separation from your true beauty and power.  On top of this, what have you believed from the media? And from those who have entered you?

This is not a lament of society but a call to love; self-love and forgiveness, a rise of the feminine in each woman and girl.  

Rise, and remember your truest Self.  


You cannot be a powerful woman and still be afraid of your pussy…Psalm Isadora



Every image I create is a powerful portal to get you to another time space dimension, manifestation, goal, etc, whatever you put into it, it will provide a path to that.  These ‘pussy portals' are intense and powerful.  Do you dare walk this path?  Do you dare to truly know yourself?  Or the one you say you love?  Do you dare to see the Goddess?  The God?  



And the eye, a window to the soul, combine to form the double portal.


Commission you personal portal or that of your loved one.  I place a woman's eye in a portrait of her beautiful sacred portal to make a double doorway to her desires and healing.  

mention how commissioning affected others.


You cannot be a powerful woman and still be afraid of your pussy…Psalm Isadora

A woman’s vagina...

The most intimate and powerful of all portals. It’s beautiful, even sacred, but we are taught something else, unless we are among the lucky few in childhood who are given a healthy view of sexuality and the female body.  Most are not.    


How often they shroud you in guilt and giggles, shame and restrictions, all resulting in a separation from your true beauty and power.  On top of this, what have you believed from the media? And from those who have entered you?


This is not a lament of society but a call to love; self-love and forgiveness, a rise of the feminine in each woman and girl who comes within the sound of my voice.  


Rise, and remember your truest Self.  


This requires healing from


Every image I create is a powerful portal to get you to another time space dimension, manifestation, goal, etc, whatever you put into it, it will provide a path to that.  These ‘pussy portals' are intense and powerful.  Do you dare walk this path?  Do you dare to truly know yourself?  Or the one you say you love?  Do you dare to see the Goddess?  The God?  



And the eye, a window to the soul, combine to form the double portal.


Commission you personal portal or that of your loved one.  I place a woman's eye in a portrait of her beautiful sacred portal to make a double doorway to her desires and healing.  

mention how commissioning affected others.


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