What you have found here, exists nowhere else.
I’ve been asked, how long does it take you to paint something? I say, it took decades even though the time spent with a brush in hand may be as little as a few hours. My life’s experiences brought me to to a place where I can paint very fast and allow my hands to be moved by a greater force than my own, as long as I get out of the way.
This takes tremendous mental discipline to remove my thoughts and paint only through Spirit, to channel and drill open new portals into this reality. A painting may sit unfinished for weeks or even months, waiting for me to evolve to the level needed to bring forth its pure message. Because I create this way, things appear in my finished work that I did not intend. It surprises me how layered and in depth the paint speaks.
For example, when I created my own vagina portrait, it took two months because it helped me process the effects of a lifelong membership in a cult-like religion. Once I left the church, I began truly living but unraveling all that programming didn’t come easily. I threw each emotion on the canvas, and I threw it hard.
It’s a very emotional PIECE that brought me PEACE by working through the chaos of emotions.
It helped me to heal and to stop betraying myself. I titled it All in the Name of God, to signify every aspect of myself that I had been giving up in 'His' name, a price no true God would ever ask…
by combining a woman's eye and vagina, I form a powerful double portal that can open up her life in miraculous ways.
Read here about women who have received their vagina portrait.